MindCentred Intuitives

Everything you need to know about MindCentred Intuitives™️: INTJ, INTP, ENTJ, ENTP

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What is a MindCentred Intuitive™️?

According to the philosopher, Kimber KivaGarden, who coined this term:

A MindCentred Intuitive™️ is an individual that is more cognitive in nature than the feeling-based HeartCentred Intuitive™️. Rooted in the left brain, MindCentred Intuitives™️ are more 'rational' in orientation. They value being logical, seeking acknowledgement for the thoughts, ideas, data they know and produce. Very black and white in nature, the binary thinking and debate-orientation of MindCentred Intuitives™️ can embed comments and remarks with perceptions/Perceptions that can be very cutting to the sensitive HeartCentred Intuitive™️.

Like HeartCentred Intuitives™️, MindCentred Intuitives™️ are exceptionally rare: being only 10% of the population.

Kimber teaches that MindCentred Intuitives™️ yield scores of INTJ, INTP, ENTJ, ENTJ on www.16Personalities.com.

Do MindCentred Intuitives get along with HeartCentred Intuitives?

MindCentred Intuitives™️ are often intrigued and bemused - even entertained - by HeartCentred Intuitives™️. They often connect in relationships at home, at school, and at work due to the intuitive natures they share in common. (Only 25% of the population is iNtuitive.)

Since 1 in 10 people are MindCentred Intuitives™️, making acquaintance with an equally rare HeartCentred Intuitive™️ provides a sense of connection, understanding and even belonging.

Challenges arise among such pairings as they not only differ not only in their understanding of what it means to be iNtuitive but also how that manifests in the world. Empaths and telepaths do bind and merge, but from very different realities, Perspectives and Skills.

In many situations when the boundaries of the MindCentred Intuitive™️ are rigid and the boundaries of the HeartCentred Intuitive™️ are porous: the HeartCentred Intuitive™️ experiences deep pain and a rupture - a breach of trust and security - appears in the relationship.


Philosopher, Kimber KivaGarden addresses the nature of a romantic relationship between a MindCentred Intuitive™️, Malakai, and a HeartCentred Intuitives™️, Michaela her Journey to Caelum series.

How do MindCentred Intuitives develop?

The development of a MindCentred Intuitive™️ is similar to that of their feeling-centred counterpart.

Kimber KivaGarden espouses that just as there are two types of empaths, there are two types of telepaths. (Yes, MindCentred Intuitives™️ are telepathic in nature.)

What are the two types of telepaths?

Which one are you?

There are two types of telepaths:

  1. Those with exceptionally porous boundaries (INTJ-T, INTP-T, ENTJ-P, ENTJ-T).

  2. Those with more flexible or rigid boundaries (INTJ-A, INTP-A, ENTJ-A, ENTJ-A).

Just like with empathic HeartCentred Intuitives™️, there are two paths to development:

  1. Those who maintain telepathic abilities as a survival skill, and

  2. Those whose environment has supported the development of telepathic abilities.

While pop-culture ascribes the telepathic natures of MindCentred Intuitive™️ as "supernatural" or "metaphysical" or "paranormal" in "fantasy" and in "science fiction" for those who experience either dormant or active facets of MindCentred INtuition™️, Knowing what others do not know, and can not be supported by fact, logic or reason, is very real.

Children and youth that are raised in environments and cultures where such Knowing-based skills and abilities are accepted as normal develop more confidence and courage in their identities as MindCentred Intuitive™️ beings. Their scores on www.16Personalities have a -A: (INTJ-A, INTP-A, ENTJ-A, ENTJ-A).

But, just like empaths who are raised in situations where having exceptionally porous boundaries is a matter of survival, many MindCentred Intuitives™️ were raised in homes with parents, guardians or caregivers that are passive, aggressive, or emotionally abandoning: in homes where there is...

  • mental illness,

  • addiction, and/or

  • family violence.

But, because of the depth and degree of emotional pain experienced, MindCentred Intuitive™️ disconnect from their hearts by escaping to their minds. Children raised in these situations tend to have more -Turbulent identities fraught with self-doubt, insecurity, and social anxiety. Their scores on www.16Personalities have a -T (INTJ-T, INTP-T, ENTJ-T, ENTJ-T).

NOTE: An X is ascribed to a score that is around 50%. So, it is possible to get a score of around: 50% thinking (T), 50% feeling (F) or 50%. If you have a score around 50% on this axis, it means that you are developing both your mind and your heart either as an undifferentiated being (-T) or a more Soul-Infused Personality (-A).


Get your score at www.16Personalities.com and email the results to your self so that you know and understand your percents. They are just as important as the final score.

  1. Understanding the difference between rigid boundaries, and more flexible boundaries can be a starting point for many MindCentred Intuitives™️ who are ready and prepared to evolve into a more Divine Heart-Centred Being. Boundaries Where You End and I Begin: How to Recognize and Set Healthy Boundaries by Anne Katherine M.A focuses more on the heart, but the principles can be applied to thinking-based beings as well.

  2. Cooper & Sawaf's Executive EQ is an academic review of emotional intelligence applied in the business sector. Engaging in the activities enrich and deepen the learning as compared to simply reading the content for information. The transformation from mind to body is essential to becoming what Tanis Helliwell calls, a Soul-Infused Personality.

  3. Researcher/Storyteller Brene Brown shares her Insights and Story as a result of the research she was engaging in on the topic of shame. Witnessing an anomaly in individuals that experienced shame-resilience Brene delved into this body of knowledge experientially before writing The Gifts of Imperfection.

  4. Malakai, the Hero (ENTJ-T/INFJ-A) in Kimber KivaGarden's Journey to Caelum Series explores the transition of a MindCentred Intuitive™️ to a more HeartCentred Intuitive™️.

What is the difference between a MindCentred Intuitive and a narcissist?

Being a marginal 25% of the population, iNtuitive beings are often misunderstood by the majority (75%) who are BodyCentred Intuitives™️.

Because of the advances in the fields of knowledge, science, medicine and engineering MindCentred Intuitives™️ are often highly acclaimed. It is their thirst for knowledge, love of ideas, joy in debating and quest for acknowledgement that drives many MindCentred Intuitives™️ who experience the state of Flow during their studies. Their minds are unsatiable.

Driven to the extreme, unlike the more sensitive HeartCentred Intuitive™️, MindCentred Intuitives™️ receive acclamation and awards for their iNtuitive natures.

But, there is another side to having a binary thought process. There is another side to having a definitive- often rigidly boundaried - black and white way of processing things and reality. With debating as an enjoyed past-time, other personality types may perceive MindCentred Intuitives™️ as narcissistic: especially those with an -Assertive identity that have not acquired emotional intelligence skills. But, the two are very different.

Personality Type and Personality Disorders

MindCentred Intuitives™️ are individuals with a score of INTJ, INTP, ENTJ, ENTJ on www.16Personalities.com. Thus, the term MindCentred Intuitive™️ describes a personality type.

In contrast, narcissism is a personality disorder. Listed in the DSM IV, Axis II as Cluster B (dramatic): narcissism is a maladaptive pattern outside of the expectations and norms of society. As such, NPD is a diagnosis.

While MindCentred Intuitives™️ may have a tendency or leniency - even be predisposed - to narcissism: not all MindCentred Intuitives™️ are narcissistic. Some are merely thinking-based intuitive with -Assertive identities. It is more likely that MindCentred Intuitives™️ with -Turbulent identities (lacking self-confidence, with deep feelings of internal insecurity) develop narcissistic traits.


Be cautious, aware and sensitive to the fact that both MindCentred Intuitives™️ and HeartCentred Intuitives™️ are outnumbered by the 75% of the population that are BodyCentred Intuitives™️ who do not understand the reality of being an iNtuitive. As part of a minority (25%), the Perceptions of both MindCentred Intuitives™️ and HeartCentred Intuitives™️ can be minimized, negated and ostracised (bullied) because they are different from the more sensing-based world we live in. Hense harsh judgements and projections are bound to happen until we as iNutiitve beings are accepted and experience a sense of belonging despite our numbers.

Once a MindCentred Intuitive always a MindCentred Intuitive?

There is a fable about a scorpion and a frog. The scorpion asks the frog to take him across the river, proceeding to promise not to sting the frog. But once across, the scorpion does exactly that. In protest, the frog asks, "Why did you do that?" The scorpion replies, "It is in my nature."

The question of nature versus nurture has been debated for a very long time. But when we switch the question around, we ask, "Is personality type a matter of nature or nurture?"

This is a matter of debate that many MindCentred Intuitives™️ enjoy. But for HeartCentred Intuitives™️ the answer is, "It depends." On that note, we share the perspective of philosopher/storyteller Kimber KivaGarden. She says,

The question, "Once a MindCentred Intuitive™️ always a MindCentred Intuitive™️ is an interesting one. Considering that the term MindCentred Intuitive™️ denotes a personality type, we need to explore what that means. A personality is the function of both the human aspect of self (with a small 's') and the Divine aspect of Self (with a capital 's').

I believe that the Divine Self is a combination of the Heart of God (HeartCentred Intuitive) and the Mind of God (MindCentred Intuitive™️). The life work of Carl Jung (Memories, Dreams, Reflections), Joseph Campbell (The Hero with a Thousand Faces), and Tanis Helliwell (Take Your Soul to Work) all say the same thing:

It is the Unity of the human and the Divine that is the Ultimate Goal in life.

As such, because the human personality is malleable, influenced by context - norms of society - it is possible to change our values, our beliefs, our perceptions that govern our behaviour and outlook on life. It is possible for MindCentred Intuitives™️ to acquire emotional intelligence skills that fosters the development of a HeartCentred Intuitive™️ way of being.

I have Seen this transition from a more MindCentred Intuitive™️ way to a more HeartCentred Intuitives™️of being in the stories of both Brene Brown (Gifts of Imperfection) and Dr. Brian Weiss (Many Lives, Many Masters).

To me, hearing their stories ground my philosophy - which is consistent with Jung, Campbell and Helliwell - in reality: in the true life of prominent philosophical influencers of the modern-day.

So, there are two ends to the stories I write, the courses I create, the presentation I give:

  1. To foster the transition from a -Turbulent (insecure, self-doubting, anxiety-ridden) identity to an -Assertive one (Confident, Courageous, with Grace), and

  2. To bridge the gap, creating a pathway for MindCentred Intuitives™️ to embrace a more HeartCentred Intuitive™️ way of being: to Unify the human and Divine into One Greater Whole.

Why is Learning Emotional Intelligence skills Important for MindCentred Intuitives?

Many MindCentred Intuitives™️ are shamed for being iNtuitive as much as HeartCentred Intuitives™️ are. And there is a Certainty, Strength and Confidence that can come across as arrogance and self-aggrandizement in MindCentred Intuitives™️ who simply Know something and can not explain why. There is a fiest and a fight kindled within their beings - rooted in frustration - when they Know they are Right: because the Divine Guides their iNtuition, and yet they may not be able to back it up. As a result, frustration mounts; it can transform into depression when shaming is experienced at such moments.

This is especially true for MindCentred Intuitives™️ with a -Turbulent identity.

Being silenced, being shunned, being shamed in such moments - when a MindCentred Intuitives™️ lacks the communication skills to communicate in a less bold, less striking, more gentle and acceptable tone - can be exceptionally harmful to the delicate psyche.

By learning emotional intelligence, by acquiring more gentle ways of communicating, MindCentred Intuitives™️ are able to develop a more -Assertive identity. They achieve greater success in life because they have overcome what is slowing them down, standing in their way or stopping them from attaining what they were Created to Gift the world.

In fact, according to Carl Jung, father of psychological typology, the idea is to assimilate skills associates with both ends of each axis. In this instance, feeling and thinking are in the exact same axis. To render one self in the middle - honing skills of the mind in conjunction with the functions of the heart - is the ultimate. That is why Executive EQ, by Cooper and Sawaf, is such an instrumental guide for MindCentred Intuitives™️.


We can see -Turbulence in Malakai: a MindCentred Intuitive™️ character in Kimber KivaGarden's Journey to Caelum. Malakai professes to be an INFJ-A but that is only in certain circumstances, and in order to fit into Michaela's reality. In truth, Malakai is an ENTJ-T which becomes evident when Kai is invited to experience a Divine Relationship with and through Kaela. It is through Malakai's Invitation that we understand the challenges he faces during his Hero’s Journey: Standing at the Threshold" and on The Road to Self-Mastery.

Malakai's Invitation: Navigating Divine Relationships
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