HeartCentred Intuitives

Everything you need to know about HeartCentred Intuitives™️: INFJ, INFP, ENFJ, ENFP

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HeartCentred Intuitives
Are HeartCentred Intuitives empaths?
What is the difference between a HeartCentred Intuitive and an empath?

Are HeartCentred Intuitives Empaths?

Yes. HeartCentred Intuitive™️ are empaths. It is our feeling-based intuitive nature that allows us to actually feel the feelings being experienced by others: sometimes even at a distance.

So, yes, empaths are real. And yes, HeartCentred Intuitive™️ are real.

NOTE: The philosophy and understanding of HeartCentred Intuitives™️ is the birthchild of Kimber KivaGarden, who is a highly sensitive and empathic INFJ. The answers to the following questions are provided to The Galleria de Cœur by Kimber herself.

What is the difference between a HeartCentred Intuitive and an Empath?

First off, to answer this question, we have to explore some of the vocabulary because there are some general misconceptions and misunderstandings about what it means to be an empath. For instance if you Google the meaning of empath the definition mentions the ability to perceive both the thoughts and feelings of another individual but this is not so.

  • An empath feels feelings of others.

  • A telepath knows the thoughts of others.

Telepathy and empathy are two very different skills. An individual can develop one or the other or both. So, everyone is different.

What is an empath?

An empath is an individual that experiences feelings sourced out side of one's physical being as if they have originated within their own body. These feelings can be sourced in another individual or in an environment in general. Learn more here: Empaths

What is a HeartCentred Intuitive™️?

Whether an individual is a HeartCentred Intuitive™️, or not, is determined by the score yielded on the explorer at www.16Personalities.com. (While the results are typical to Myers-Briggs Type Indicator it is best to use this site because using other sites may render different results and they do not include the identity index which is very important to the philosophy espoused by author Kimber KivaGarden.)

To be clear: HeartCentred Intuitive™️ are INFJs, INFPs, ENFJs and ENFPs. Learn more here: INFJ & INFP ENFJ & ENFP

What every INFJ, INFP, ENFJ, ENFP should know about being a HeartCentred Intuitive™️

Not all empathic HeartCentred Intuitives™️ are the same. There is a great deal of variety depending on the degree of differentiation a person has experienced during the development of their personality.

While all HeartCentred Intuitives™️ are empaths, some are also Clairsentient, Clairaudient and Clairvoyant. Others are also telepathic and or Claircognizant. See Terms & Definitions

What does all that mean?

It means that it is important to avoid judging your self/Self, shaming your self/Self, and comparing your self/Self to someone else who is an empathic HeartCentred Intuitive™️. We are all different. We are all here for different reasons. And it is important to celebrate, honour and accept that you may Perceive the world in a very different way from another HeartCentred Intuitive™️ that is right beside you.

And yet, knowing that you are part of a larger group of people that can also Receive iNspiration from the Divine is exceptionally healing.

Why is it better to use the term HeartCentred Intuitive instead of empath?

There are alot of misgivings about empaths. In fact the two most common questions asked on the internet about empaths are:

  • Are empaths real?

  • Empaths and Narcissists?

There is another question, "Why are empaths so prevalent?"

The answer to why empaths are so prevalent is because empaths have been identified as a new target market for sales of books, protection, crystals and the like. There is a great deal of fear-mongering happening around the topic of narcissists and energy vampires that generates a lot of hype, which empaths are particularly vulnerable to.

Marketers can be scrupulous when it comes to targeting audiences and making more money.

Furthermore, Google says that empaths are "chiefly in science fiction." Meaning, according to Google empaths are not real. That makes it kinda funny that marketers are marketing to a group of people that Google says only exists in the imagination.

That is why people doubt that empaths even exist. So then what does that do to you, as an empath, to be negated so? That feeling you feel, the negation, is shame. Shame is the feeling like there is something wrong with you. And that is what is wrong with the whole "empath movement."

There are other questions that add to the shaming. They are "Are empaths evil?" And, "Is there a mention of empaths in the Bible?"

People who are HeartCentred Intuitives™️ - INFJ, ENFJ, INFP, ENFP - don't ask these questions.

What about HeartCentred Intuitives™️?

In contrast, the questions posed by INFJs, for instance, are quite different. HeartCentred Intuitives™️ want to know more about:

  • relationships,

  • jobs/careers, and

  • and famous people who are INFJ, INFP, ENFP, ENFJ.

They want to know about characters in movies and tv shows that are HeartCentred Intuitives™️.

There is no question about whether HeartCentred Intuitives™️ are real because personality types have been accepted since psychologist Carl Jung described them.

There is no question about whether HeartCentred Intuitives™️ are real because actors and activists, politicians and other major role models claim and self-declare their personality types.

There is absolutely zero shaming in being a HeartCentred Intuitive™. Absolute zero.

Can you feel the difference in these two topics?

Why is that? Because the instruments used to determine if someone is a HeartCentred Intuitive™️ are used for career development, by Human Resources around the world. In fact, 16 Personalities dot com's explorer is available in 30 languages and has statistics by nation. So there is an elevation in the topic and the energy around being a HeartCentred Intuitive™️ as compared to the energy building around the topic of empaths.

Mind you the term HeartCentred Intuitive™️ is coined by philosopher and storyteller Kimber KivaGarden, who is an INFJ. Other people simply say that they are an INFJ, ENFJ, INFP or ENFP. Why cluster them together as HeartCentred Intuitives™️ ? That is the next question.

Why are INFJs, INFPs, ENFPs, ENFJs clustered together?

Let's look at the stats:

  • 1.5% of the population are INFJ

  • 2.5% are ENFJ

  • 4.4 % are INFP

  • 8.1% are ENFP

  • 15% are HeartCentred Intuitive™️

How does it feel to be part of a larger group?

It isn't so isolating to think that you are part of a larger group. There is a greater sense of belonging to be in a group of 15% than 2.5% (ENFJ).

And many HeartCentred Intuitives™️ have felt either alone or lonely for most of their lives because they are so different from everyone else. Take the INFJ, for example. They have to be in a group of 100 people to meet someone else like them, but as introverts, they are not likely to be in such a crowd. So, they can go throughout their school life (in classes of 20 or 30 kids) without ever meeting someone like them!

How many iNtuitive people are there in the world?

It gets even better. Consider this. In the world 25% of the population is iNtuitive. Let's look at the numbers for MindCentred Intuitives™️.

  • 1.8 % ENTJ

  • 2.1% INTJ

  • 3.2% ENTP

  • 3.3% INTP

  • 10% MindCentred Intuitives™️

Now, let's add the number of MindCentred Intuitives™️ with the HeartCentred Intuitives™️.

10% MindCentred Intuitives™️

+ 15% HeartCentred Intuitives™️

25% iNtutive

Look at that! You went from being super rare (and lonely) to being part of a remarkable group of people who are also empathic and or telepathic, Clairvoyant, Clairaudience, Clairsentient or Claircognizant. (See Terms & Definitions)

How does it feel to be part of an even larger group?

You are still rare, but it is not so lonely. You are part of something greater!

So, bringing the question back to you," Why is it better to consider your self/Self as a HeartCentred Intuitive™️ rather than an empath?

How do you feel about that?

Why are INFJs, INFPs, ENFPs, ENFJs so rare?

Why are INFJs so rare?

Because they are only 1.5% of the population: that is one of the top questions INFJs ask!

The reason why INFJs are so rare, and HeartCentred Intuitives™️ for that matter, is because it is extremely difficult to be so sensitive in an insensitive world.

Being empathic, telepathic and having one or more Clairs can be both overstimulating and overwhelming so many people learn to turn off these aspects of Self very early in life.

  1. One reason why most HeartCentred Intuitives™️ maintain their sensitivity is as a matter of survival. Being sensitive in homes where there is abuse, addiction or family violence allows young children to survive their situation by knowing what is going to happen before it happens.

  2. Other HeartCentred Intuitives™️ maintain their sensitivity when they are raised in homes where being sensitive, where being emotional, is not shamed but encouraged, accepted, nurtured and loved.

Which category do you fall under?

What is the Journey to Caelum about?

The Journey to Caelum Series is about 3 HeartCentred Intuitives™:

  1. Malakai the Hero. He is an ENTJ-T/INFJ-A.

  2. Michaela the human Spiritual Helper is an XNFX-A. (An X denoted 50% of each characteristic).

  3. As a result of working with Michaela, Maia the Apprentice, an INFP-T, transforms into an INFP-A.

These two characters, Malakai and Maia, are riddled with self-doubt and insecurity. In time they become actively engaged in their abilities to See, Hear, Feel and Know the Divine with Confidence, Courage, and Grace.

How valuable would that be - to you - to experience this transformation vicariously?

Because it is time.

It is time to ==> [ Journey to Caelum ]


The Navigating Divine Relationships Series
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